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Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Bridal Shower

About a week ago we had a bridal shower. What follows are pics from the day. Gloria and I would like to give a special thanks and shout out to Mom Jones and Katie Jones for getting the whole thing together. It was a fun time....

We had the shower at a place called Camp Ticonderoga (no relation to fort Ticonderoga in New York, in which On May 10, 1775, a sleeping British garrison of 22 soldiers was taken by surprise by a small force of Vermonters (calling themselves the Green Mountain Boys) under Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold, who walked into the fort through an unlocked gate. A single shot was fired — probably by accident. The colonials obtained a large supply of cannon and powder, much of which was hauled 300 km by Henry Knox during the winter of 1775-1776, to Boston, to support the Siege of Boston.) which is a sort of Golf Club/Hunting Lodge restaurant. Really good food, Irecommendd it!

Anyway, It was a family affair for sure. Many Aunts, Cousins, brothers and sisters attended, and a few friends also.

Above is proof of thesisterhoodd. Molly and Cassie Benson.

We were the stars of the day however....

The Mom's enjoyed themselves also though.

We had no idea getting married meant we'd be on the fast train to gift city.

A city Gloria and I tore through with extreme prejudice! (maybe that was to dramatic of a statement for simple gift opening?)

And the Cake? Fantastic!

The only gift we could try out right when we got home was the two person sleeping bag. This thing is great. It should really be advertised as a 3 person bag though,becausee it is spacious. Here is further proof.

Alright, well that was the shower adventure. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon if I do say so myself!

EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA special thanks to everyone who attended and gave so generously to the "Starting Gloria and Kevin's Lives off together" mission. It was a wonderful time.

Also, again thanks to Mom and Katie for throwing the whole thing together. You guys rock!


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