Dress, Food, Flower girls, Deacon... check!
It never ends fellas. The idea behind the two month engagement period was less stress. Wedding planning looked like a lot of work and I didn't want to do that for a year! (Other reasons include a great love of my boyfriend, hall availabilty, and the fact that I am living at home...) Anyway, tonight is the first day that I am not doing anything wedding related and it gave me a lot of time to reflect upon the fact that I am going to be MARRIED TO KEVIN JONES! I am really excited about that. Also we are going to be having a wonderful wedding and party.
While Kevin worked on a LAZBOY commercial in Detroit, my mom, grandmother, aunt Kathie, cousin Jenae, sister Cassie, and I went gown shopping in Lansing. This is a crazy experience. If you have not gone wedding gown shopping with this many female members of your family you haven't lived! I spent an entire hour blushing they were so complimentary. I am really pleased with my dress, but I can't talk about it here of course.
Then the taste testing. Good price and amazing food. Ahmad is going to serve you guests a delicious wedding meal. He is the owner of Kevin and I's favorite middle eastern restruant in Okemos.
My cousins, Amanda and Jenae Brown, will be our flower girls! They have their dresses and they are looking gorgeous.
A special thanks to the Brown's, Cassie, Mom, and Grandma Gloria for all the wonderful support and company this weekend.