Move in Day!
Well, we finally have a place to live. This past Saturday, August 19th we moved most of our stuff into the place we'll be living for the next year. It's a cool apartment above a coffee shop in Downtown Howell, MI. While we still need some time to feel this city out, it seems pretty cool so far. Just down the street is a book store, a few shops down is a skate shop, and just across the street we can get all you can eat crab legs every Tuesday night...not to shabby!
The day began gloomy. It was raining...hard. And this weekend was the time of one of the cities biggest festivals...Melon Fest. Hundreds of people + Pouring rain= Not the easiest time to move. And to make matters worse, I had to work and couldn't be here the whole day to help out. Luckily Gloria and I's awesome families came through in the clutch and helped us out, big time.
Who wants to see pictures?!
Now, while I was not here for most of the day, I do not have the complete stories behind all of these pics. Maybe if Gloria has time she will come on and give you the true tales, but as for me, I'll make them up as I go along.
My guess here is that my mom must be instructed Beth and Cassie in the finer points of Kitchen organization. My mom has had her own kitchen for over 20 years, that must make her some kind of expert.
Here we're seeing what can only be the cause of many strained backs and sweaty shirts. That's a queen sized mattress folks, and we live on the second floor. Never mind all the other large furniture items in the back ground.
This must be the result of carrying such mattress up the flight of stairs. That, or Thanksgiving dinner, but things have been known to bring my dad to the blue chair position.
Having taken their lessons from my mom to heart, Beth and Cassie work feverishly to complete the kitchen. All the while singing show-tunes, knowing full well if they do their job well, they will be invited back for a home cooked meal.
Here Mr. & Mrs. Benson are probably putting together the bed frame for the mattress from the previous pictures...that or setting some kind of trap in my bedroom for me to fall into. I hope it's just the bed frame though.
I'm sure Beth is saying something to the effect of "This is the best place in the world to live!" or "Where did you get this great wooden spoon?" But then again, I wasn't there, so I guess the world will never know.
Here Deb is seen either A) putting the final touches on the bed frame, or B) Reinforcing the switch on the trap door. Also you can see Cassie in our window to the kitchen.
Now, I know what you're saying, "Kevin, why do you have a window from your kitchen to your bedroom?" Well, that's easy, it's just cool. And, this building is old and it was probably used as a fire escape back in the day, that's what our landlord tells us anyway.
Finally, around 7:45 I roll in. Had I missed all the move in festivities? Yes, I had. And I'm not to proud about it, but the high paced world of post production needed me, and Gloria and I need the money.
I'd like to give MAJOR THANKS to Dad (Dale), Mom (Denise), Doug, Deb, Beth, and Cassie for really helping Gloria and I out this weekend. You'll be repaid in egg rolls, or whatever I can whip up with our deep frier!
So this is my new home, and in two weeks it will be Gloria's also. So for those two weeks It'll be my sweet semi-bachelor pad. A total dude's place, where I'll listen to dude music, watch dude movies, eat (vegetarian) dude meals, etc...but ultimately will not be able to wait the 13 days until this place has two people living in it instead of one. I couldn't think of a better place to be!
You were close on those pictures, Kev, except for the kitchen part; Cassie and Beth did a fine job organizing the kitchen all on their own. The Bensons were awesome moving partners. If I ever move from Harrellson, I am calling them! Seriously, I wouldn't have missed moving day for the world. By the way, Howell melon ice cream is the bomb! love, mom j
It was a fun move. Your dad is a machine. I was bent over, sucking air and that guy just kept on with the grab and go.
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